We can get a wide range of furniture and accessories for your home! We do carry a few sets on our floor, but special ordering what you want and need is no issue!!! check out our page for more info!
Samsung, Lg, Apple, HP, Nintedo, Playstation, Xbox, Cyberpower PC, Lenovo, Hisense, TCL, Gemini, Yamaha, Polk and many, many MORE! TV's and home audio, Laptops, tablets, game systems.
Established in May, 2004. We've got a lot of customers to thank for keeping us in business over the years! We have tried really hard to uphold "The Gold Standard" in the rent to own business for the Cadillac Area. Over the last 20 years we've really learned a lot about the business. We've done many trainings and continue to learn year after year about RTO trends and hot topics related to the business to continue to offer the most to our customers and to our community.
Founded on the belief that all members of the community deserve the best service, with all sales... Willing to go above and beyond the boundaries of customer satisfaction... We strive to be knowledgeable in all the products we sell, and the future of the rental business. Simply put, "People Matter"! You matter to Us!
Inspirational testimonials and quotes
They are great people and they're willing to work with u
great service. great items in the store.
Great guys! Always work with ya If ur having problems... all they want is communication!